How the Internet Began

By Dalton B.

The internet now has spread and become a very massive thing that most people know about. When it was made almost no one had an idea it existed. Only richer people could get their hands on a computer that could run the internet so almost no one had entered and seen the internet. What was it like?

The internet started as a way for government researchers to communicate and send details and plans to other researchers. The one part of the internet called the dark web was originally used for the U.S. military to communicate and send plans to each other. Now the dark web is known as a place where bad people sell bad services. The internet was developed by a man named Bob Kahn, an American computer scientist that created the TCP/IP protocols that governed how data moved through the internet.

After people were able to get their hands on the internet many companies started hosting games on a web server. The first game to do this was called Earth 2025. Although there wasn’t much to do, you could form alliances with others and talk to other people. This game was released in 1995, this was the game to have likely started the world strategy games where you can form alliances and attack other countries. This game closed its servers in 2009, but fans of the game made a different version for people to play and it’s still online.

The internet has evolved to apps, games, and websites. The internet is the host to many games, servers, and forums. Forums were the main way to communicate with other people that might share the same views as you and share info about current world events. Games that were made with the internet ability was in 1980 when two undergraduate students made a game called MUD or multiuser dungeon. It was a text based fantasy game that would pave the way for online gaming. With the features that MUD had was able to create player groups and chat functions. This would form MMOGs.

The internet started off pretty slow, but as people found out about it, it evolved and grew into the system we know today.

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