Ukraine Partnership

By: Karra Thompson

I’ve learned a great deal about Ukraine and their culture, and I learned about professional music artists and about painters. My Journalism class and I have been writing pen pals back and forth to a class in Kyiv. The school is called Lycée Anne de Kiev. I learned about different aspects of their culture, like their types of food and drinks. 

We met a musician named Brett Hill from Dayton and he has a friend named Amedee Royer, and he talked to us about his music, Ukrainian culture, and the war. He sang us a few songs and we took pictures with them both; he also has a band called The Hill Spirits.

My pen pal is Maria from Ukraine. She talks to me about a little bit of her family, and some family members she doesn’t really communicate with. She likes certain foods, she doesn’t like cutlets. We both told really funny stories. I talked to her about my favorite foods and what type of clothing brands I like. I mentioned I like Avia socks, and I really like American Eagle. 

My class and I made a slideshow about Federal Hocking school culture. We also each made our own slideshows about different aspects in Appalachian culture. 

I really enjoy writing back and forth with Maria, and I loved how they made their slideshows about Ukraine and the different types of things they shared with us. They were extremely creative with their slideshows, and they made each other feel confident about themselves and their work.  We could tell that their class has a wonderful camaraderie.

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