The Importance of a Daily Routine

By: Guada Pustavrh

Have you ever planned a routine for your day to keep yourself organized and not miss anything? When it comes to using your time wisely, tackling important tasks, and boosting your confidence, many experts say there’s nothing more effective than following a regimented daily routine. A daily routine is a set of actions you perform every day, like waking up at the same time or hitting the gym each evening.

“Having a routine is when I’m more scheduled, in the summer when there’s not as much going on and I don’t have much of a routine it gets messy and I don’t thrive as much,” Internship Coordinator Renee Ripple said.

When it comes to planning a routine, we need to have a goal. Many struggle to keep a routine due to a lack of objectives. Without specific targeted outcomes, it can be difficult to prioritize tasks and establish a routine. Sometimes if you have too many tasks or responsibilities, it may feel daunting to create a structured schedule, making us feel overwhelmed.

“Sometimes it’s overwhelming when I take on more than I can manage and lots of unforeseen circumstances arrive,” Ripple said.

However routines can be enjoyable and fulfilling, helping us in:

  •  Managing stress more effectively: Stress can put you at higher risk for heart disease and negatively impact your overall health. An effective routine can help reduce stress, which can lead to better mental health, more time to relax and less anxiety.
  • Sleep better: making routines like your sleep schedule and bedtime habits affect your mental sharpness, emotional well-being and energy. Maintaining consistent times for waking and going to bed can help you get better rest.
  • Eat healthier: Without scheduled time for grocery shopping, it is easier to have an unhealthy diet by ordering fast food or snacks since they are often a convenient option. Taking the time to plan trips to the grocery store gives you the opportunity to think about what healthy foods and meals you can incorporate into your everyday life.
  • Get active: It is easier to exercise regularly when you make time for it. A daily routine can help you stay active, and an exercise schedule or program can help you budget your time.
  • Provides a Sense of Control: When life feels chaotic, having a structured schedule offers a sense of stability and control, even in unpredictable circumstances.

Having a routine keeps me productive, organized for teaching, meal planning for the week, exercising and scheduling in regards to my kids’ activities,” Ripple said.

To make a routine we start off with:

  •  Deciding what needs to be in your routine: Do you want to get more exercise or more alone time? Prioritizing what is important to you before starting is key!.
  • Set small goals: Break each large goal into smaller goals. While a big goal is exciting to tackle, it is what often leads to failure as we take on too much. If your overall goal is to eat healthier meals, start by changing one thing a day, every day, to build confidence. When you accomplish that, congratulate yourself!.
  • Layout a plan: Start with one week at a time and start small – that way you can build on simple accomplishments. Write it all out on a calendar, almost like an appointment.
  • Be consistent with time: If you want to get a daily walk in, attempt it at the same time every day. Completing your tasks first thing in the morning before losing motivation allows you to enjoy benefits all day. If you want to get to the gym, do it on your way to or from work, you will have more success.  Most people won’t want to leave the warm house once they get home.
  • Be prepared: When deciding upon a new routine, make sure you have all the pieces before you start; this will make it easier to get started without any delay. For example, if a new resolution is to clean the house every Saturday morning, make sure your vacuum cleaner is working properly and you have all the cleaning materials needed.
  • Make it fun!: Getting into a new routine and new goals aren’t always fun, but there are ways to make it fun. Find a workout buddy, get a good playlist for cleaning and try new cooking classes, anything to help you enjoy your new routine.
  • Track your progress: Create a visual calendar that you can cross off each day that you complete the task. Most people don’t want to “break the chain” and see a missing spot on their calendar.
  • Reward yourself: Once you have fallen into a routine on a consistent basis, reward yourself with something fun. For example, if your goal was to get into a routine of picking up clutter every night before bed, reward yourself with new slippers that you can enjoy around the clean house.

“While completing my routine, sometimes I have to let something go and relax so that I can fit what needs to be done in the day,” Ripple said.

With all said, having a simple routine can really benefit you in many ways no matter how short or long it may be. It’s how you build habits. When we practice good habits, that can help us maintain positive relationships, good hygiene and our best health.

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