Today’s physical activity is something that has been left out on a daily basis of our life. Whether we are too busy, tired, having a lack of confidence, fear of being injured or not motivated, we always find a reason to not do it. Lives are becoming increasingly sedentary through the use of motorized transport and the increased use of screens for work, education and recreation.
“Many have left it because they find no enjoyment in doing it and end up becoming a couch potato person,” FH P.E Cody Mason said.
Physical Activity is any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy to keep your body healthy or make it stronger. It’s important since it gives long-term health benefits such as academic performance, brain health, muscular fitness, heart and lung health, cardiometabolic health, bone strength, and measures of a healthy weight.
According to the CDC “Active people generally live longer and are at less risk for serious health problems such as heart disease, type two diabetes, obesity, and some cancers.”
“It helps you stay healthy as you grow older, giving you benefits like keeping your blood pressure down, good physical shape and mental health,” FH Senior Sequoyah Milhoan said.
Milhoan started a workout program to keep an active and healthy life, increasing his benefits.
Having an inactive lifestyle with a lot of sitting and lying down, with very little to no exercise could lead to a higher risk of spine problems, chronic disease, obesity, diabetes, stroke, depression, and even premature death. If you aren’t keeping fit, you may be putting your body under unnecessary stress. Around the world people are spending more and more time doing sedentary activities.
According to the CDC “In the United States, inactivity contributes to one in ten premature deaths. About 110,000 deaths could be prevented annually if U.S. adults increased moderate-to-vigorous physical activity by even ten to sixty minutes per day.”
Physical Activity doesn’t always require going to the gym and lifting weights. There are thousands of bodyweight, nutrition, flexibility and home workout programs out there with minimal to none equipment like walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga, sports, biking, hikes…etc.
“Growing up I did many activities that didn’t require going to the gym like hiking, biking, or walking my dog,” Mason said.
“Depending on the person, physical activity can be done in many recreational ways and it doesn’t always require gym,”Milhoan said.
Even though having a certain inactivity in our life is fun and a rest from a long day, it’s important to know and measure how much time of inactivity you are allowing yourself to have. Within ten to fifteen minutes to do something active every day is enough to improve your life benefits and keep a healthy body.