By Eden Haynes
Club days come with many opportunities and choices for students to engage with the school to try something new or to enjoy what they take interest in. The purpose of these days is to connect students to the school as well as to make a student’s experience more pleasurable and fun. Due to the pandemic that is taking place, lots of students and staff have changed physically and mentally; so this is an opportunity to reconnect and share those changes to peers.
Another purpose is to aid the clubs and the students within them, beforehand the clubs would meet after school and struggle to find ways home. So now, with club days; clubs can meet in the mornings during advisory. Those not in a club should have no worry, there are choices for you to choose from to connect and interact, and to get a chance to achieve citizenship points. To earn the points students will need to join an official club, which are FFA, Art Club, Drama Club, GSA, Lancer Vibes(outside of the class), Spanish Club, and Adventure Club. But if none of these interest you, there are other choices to choose from such as Cooking, Gym, Coloring or Hang Out.
Club days are every Wednesday morning for nine weeks; at the end of every nine weeks students will choose their desired club choice again or something new.
Club Days